5 Awesome Places You Could Visit On Your Nusa Lembongan Trip

Are you planning a Nusa Lembongan trip? It’s the best choice you can take. Aside from Nusa Penida and Ceningan, Lembongan is one of the best islands in Indonesia that you could visit. So, what are the wonderful places it offers? Read on and include these on your traveling list.

1. The Devil’s Tears

Nusa Lembongan has so many places you don’t want to miss. And on top of this list, we’ll talk about the Devil’s Tears. What is it, actually? Why do people choose this as the name of a tourist spot?

Don’t be scary. Although it contains a “devil” on its name, it doesn’t mean that this place unworthy a visit. The Devil’s Tears is actually the name of a beautiful cliff on Nusa Lembongan. It’s called a “devil” because of the dark color of its cliff’s wall. Right on its surface, you could see much water flows rapidly to the sea. It’s impossible for you to stand on its top, though. But it’ll be very amusing if you swim on its nearby. You could see how hard the waves hit the cliff it makes a shape like the devil’s eyes.

2. Jungut Batu Beach

The second place on our Nusa Lembongan trip list is Jungut Batu beach. It’s notably the most crowded beach on The Golden Egg of Bali. But don’t think it’s as huddled as other beaches on Bali island, no! It’s quite crowded because of the beach is used as a harbor for tourists also.

If you go from Sanur beach to Nusa Penida triangle, you’ll arrive first at Jungut Batu. If you come by the afternoon, you’ll better don’t leave the beach until the sunset.

Among all sunset points at Nusa Lembongan, Jungut Batu is one of the best places. However, if you prefer a less crowded beach to watch the sunset, you’d better choose the Sunset Beach. Which we’ll show you on the next point.

3. Sunset Beach

Want to have a very romantic sunset with the dearest one? Want to do a French kiss under the sunset? It’s not only on your dream, anymore. Just take your spouse and bring him/her here at Sunset Beach. Still, a little people know about this beach. Hence, when you come here you could have a less-crowded space.

Sunset on this beach has the same beauty as the sunset on Jungut Batu. However, in Jungut Batu, you couldn’t enjoy the sunset as free as you wish. It’s because there are many tourists arrive in the meantime.

4. Dream Beach

Just like the name, Dream Beach offers you Nusa Lembongan trip you never dream before. You could find your dream here. So far, Dream Beach also becomes one of the best places for tourists to do surfing at Nusa Penida triangle. Aside with surfing, you could do many other things, such as playing on the white sands and swimming on the pure blue sea.

5. Panorama Point

Visiting Panorama Point is another way to enjoy your Nusa Lembongan trip. Are you bored with swimming or surfing? Want to see the sunset, but it hasn’t afternoon yet? You could go uphill to the Panorama Point. From here, you could see the Nusa Lembongan’s scenery from above the hill. You could also see Agung Mountain becoming its background. It’s also a good place to see the sunset.

That’s all the places you could visit on your Nusa Lembongan trip. Don’t forget to include them on your traveling list, and see you on Nusa Lembongan!

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