5 Things You Should Know Before Go to Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida

Bali has so many undiscovered sites. That is why tourists keep coming to this island. Have you ever heard about Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida? Yes, this is one of must visited beaches while you are in Bali. You will be amazed by its fine white sand. Located in Karang Dawa, Kelingking Beach is also known as Karang Dawa beach.

The beach is surrounded by steep cliffs. Sometimes your GPS doesn’t show the right point. Hence there are tourists who get lost. In the past year, there were only a few people who came there. But lately, the visitors are increased. It is because of the publicity and access development.

For your information, this beach is counted as the best 25 beaches in the world (Trip Advisor version in 2019). Kelingking beach is in the 19th position. Do you want to visit Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida? So, prepare yourself with some things below:

1. Pick the Right Time

Remember, this beach is getting more popular right now. Once you don’t make good planning, you will be stuck in the middle of people. You definitely don’t know what to do among the crowd. Even though this place is open for 24 hours, but the best time is 7 AM. Besides, you will get its freshness, you can take a picture wherever you want.

2. How to Get There

Usually, people start the trip from Padang Bai or Serangan take a boat with Bali Eka Jaya fast boat, the reliable boat company in Bali with our best service, it takes around one hour to go there. Then, you continue the trip until Kelingking beach in about 45 minutes.

3. Be Careful Along the Road

Because the beach is “hidden”, you will face a rocky road. It is not easy to get there. And if it is a rainy day, the road becomes slippery. Make sure that you are in fit condition. The distance from Nusa Penida to Kelingking beach is about 25 kilometers. Imagine that far rocky journey taken. But, once your eyes catch the beauty of Kelingking beach Nusa Penida, that difficult way is paid off.

4. Prepare Things to Cover Yourself

The sun must be shining very brightly. Cover up yourself with sunblock and mask. Also, wear a hat to avoid the sun and scattered dust. Mostly people arrive at the beach around 11 AM. It is quite hot and doesn’t let your skin dried. Don’t forget to bring drinks too. You will get thirsty after passing through that rocking road.

5. Capture Moments

You must be won’t miss its beautiful view. Take as many photo shoots as you can. The T-Rex head crag could be your unique background. If you are brave enough, you can walk down the cliff to get to the beach. Touch and feel its smooth sand. It takes 35 minutes to down there, plus, you need more 35 minutes to back to the top. The road is also slippery and steep.

As your first-time visiting Kelingking beach Nusa Penida, better for you to have a tour guide. They will show you the right way. Some people get wrong visiting the other beach nearby, which is Paluang beach. This is also a beautiful beach with a famous Pura there, Pura Paluang. Explore the various sites of Nusa Penida and make an unforgettable experience.

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